Saturday, June 23, 2012

I'M BACK!! =)

Hello Friends,
 I know it has been a while since my last post, but I am back now and working on some really cool things that I'm excited to share with you. I would have had one of those posted today, but I could not find large bottles of washable paint anywhere close to my house...and I refused to drive all the way across town in 105 degree weather..HA!

Update: Kyrie is still waiting to be seen by a cardiologist. The last appointment that we had was cancled, and we are having a hard time finding a date that my husband is off, and they have an open appointment. Also, I called Friday to book an appointment and the physician that originally refered Miss Kyrie has moved his pratice to a town 30 minutes away.. so I'm going to need a new referal from the new office.. or from one of the physicians in the new office... so, I get to start working on that stuff next week.

More big news around here... We are expecting baby # 4 in Early November. We were shocked, but thankfully that has passed =) and everyone is adapting very nicely.

I reapplied to nursing school (horray) under much diress... with Kyrie and a new baby on the way, I wasn't sure that it was a good idea....or that I could handle it for that matter. However with the support and encouragement of my family and awesome friends..I mustered up the will, I talked to my instructors, and worked out the way.. So, hopefully sometime at the beginning of next month I will know whether or not I'm back in school.

So, an idea for the kiddos... This is the one that I havent posted pics of yet..because I havent done it yet..but Im going to tomorrow. =) 
My poor kids have been stuck in the house for most of the summer. Mama is too hot and hormonal to sit outside, and the first trimester of this pregnancy tried to kill me. I spent most of it on the couch with my little bag of ginger.. praying for waves of green to pass. It was by far the worst first trimester I've ever had.

Anyway, so Thursday I hit the 20 week mark, and now I'm feeling pretty good. It would be great if it would rain here in small town USA, but no such luck. So, since summer hit, and for the remander of the season... consider the temperature to be somewhere between the surface of the sun, and the 7th sector of hell. DRY, miserable heat. Anyway, enough of that rant. My poor kids are bored out of their domes. I've exhausted all of the board games, and dance party CD's, coloring books at this point.. and they are getting restless. Which means..a distaster is in the quake. And you all know my standing... if you dont entertain them...they will entertain themselves, without supervision. So, the next question was.. what mess can I let my kids make that is fun..can be done OUTSIDE, and requires little clean up. One trip to the dollar tree, and Walmart and the paint fight idea was born.

My shopping list for the "Great Paint Fight"

foot and hand sized plastic containers one for each color your using, I found some at the dollar tree that were perfect!

A bag of water balloons...however many you feel like filling =)

Large bottles of WASHABLE paint, these I had to go to Walmart for, and they were the most expensive item at something like 4 bucks a bottle.. I only got primary colors

A set of cheap paint brushes, I found a few big paint brushes and a set of sponge rollers also at the dollar tree.

A garden hose... to hose them off before you bring them inside!

One drop cloth... I lucked out today, because dollar tree had a canvas drop cloth..but either's optional

So, I'm not sure any explanation is needed here... fill the tubs with paint.. let them paint the canvas...themselves, the cement...probably even the dog... then hose them off..and bring them in. It's not rocket science.. I'm not sure how I'm going to use the balloons yet..but I'll figure it out, and post pics! =)

So, this post it going to be a bit short.. thanks for being so patient with me as our family has undergone so many changes. It's been hard not being able to blog my ideas.. it seemed like once I had an awesome idea, if I didnt do it right away..then I forgot it. Or, I just never had time to do it. Mostly the latter, but I have forgotten a few things. Expect me to be back to work though! I'm really excited about the new chapter that my family and I are about to head out on..and I really just cant wait to see where this all goes. Thanks ever so much for your thoughts, prayers, and support through this time. It has really meant so much to us. I swear during the times that I was anxious about taking her for tests, and exams I could just feel her being lifted up. It was really humbling.
I just ask for your continued prayer, for we continue on this journey with her, as we adjust to mama being a full time student again, and as we prepare for the newest addition to our family. Thank you so much for being patient and for being prayerful. It means so much. =)

Blessings and Love as your week continues!

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