Some of my most favorite life lessons, have come from very unusual sources. While watching The Lion King with my children a few days ago, I was reminded of one that is important... Don't run from your past. Learn from it and move on. Most days, for most people that is easier said than done.
Let's face it, everyone has at least one skeleton in their closet. Everyone has a few secrets that they keep because they are afraid of what the world will think of them, and who they will disappoint. It is becoming harder and harder for people to surrender their secrets. Yes, there is an encrypted message in here, and at some point.. I might tell you about it...might. Defiantly not today, but maybe soon.
We are so mean to each other. We are created to love and prosper, but we do nothing but hate and destroy. The bible says that sin is sin, no matter how big it is. None of the sins that I have committed are any worse than the ones that you, or anyone else have committed. We are all all stained by sin, and will always bear the wound that these battles with sin have created. When we accept Christ, he heals the wounds. So, we have this awesome chance to be healed, and restored. To walk upright and hold our head up, because we are a forgiven people.
Even if you don't believe in Christ, the point is still this... If you steal a million dollars or just 100, your still a thief. What difference does it really make in the end? It doesn't, but because we are so quick to judge.. we will rationalize and reason defenses to the death. If making someone else look more guilty gets me off the hook, then so be it. Selfishness, greed, conceitedness, vanity.. we feed into that stuff, we breathe it.
Now, looking at it from that point of view.. tell me why we make it so hard for each other? I know that if I spilled and confessed my every sin, people very close would refuse to talk to me. Disown me even. I feared the people that I loved the most. I shouldn't have, and neither should you. The Lion King quote most relevant to this topic came from the scene that the baboon smacked Simba upside the head.
Simba- "Owe, what was that for?"
Rafiki- "What does it matter, it's in the past."
Does it matter? No. It only matters to us because we are all guilty. We are pointing the finger at someone else, hoping that no one sees through us. If I can make your sin and your messes look uglier than mine, than no one will pay attention to mine. Maybe, I wont have to face my past. Maybe, I wont have to deal with mine. Maybe... your wrong.
I have a challenge for each and every person that reads this. I challenge you to embrace the people around you with love, and with understanding. I want you to talk to someone, then let someone talk to you. Pray for people your upset with, let go of the baggage. I challenge you to reach out to someone you see struggling with the same secret as you. I challenge you to surrender that secret, to let go and help someone in need. The only request I have, is that you message me.. tell me what happened. I really believe that if you reach out in faith, you will find yourself pulled onto the other side of grace.
So, what are you waiting for? In the mean time, I'll be praying for each and every person that comes across this. Be bold, and redefine yourself.
P.S. If you just need to share something, please know that my sin is just as black. I offer prayer, love, and support.
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