Sunday, February 15, 2015

What I wish my nonmedical family and friends understood.

Life lately:

Went down with a foul gallbladder, had it removed two days into symptoms. 
Left one job. I was sick, had no EIB or PTO to take, and sick family, and kids, and school.. and couldn't split myself 8 different ways during the day time. I made the decision to be home during the days so I can be here and not 45 minute away if something happens.
Took a job at the hospital, nights, three days a week... which allows me to be home, and to get clinical experience I need for school. I start orientation this week. I know nothing else...literally. 
My schedule and my world are upside down. I'm excited for the new opportunity, but scared out of my mind at the same time... the last time I treated a patient over 5 was literally almost a year ago. 

That being said, I've struggled the last few months to squeeze everything in. Which has left my friends and family a little, otherwise, irritated with me. They're trying to be understanding, for the most part, but there are some that are still just outright rude..and I'm like...Good gravy...give me a break.. Please feel free to come clean my house, take my children to school, and juggle all of the things that are associated with raising a large family, while going to school, and transitioning to a new, full time job..then tell me and show me that you, can in it better. Otherwise... graciously feel free to drive to the nearest bridge, park, and hastily exit off the side railing. Tying some twine on the landing gear of a 747, and your ankles, and flying a proverbial kite would be appropriate as well. A little grace, patience, and understanding goes a long way.

So, in light of my meltdown last week, I've come up with a little list of things that I wish my nonmedical family knew, from my point of view as a nurse. It's not much, but it's something I'm sure that each of us can relate to at one point. So enjoy!

"Things I Wish My Nonmedical Friends and Family Understood: My Struggle For Social Acceptability."

1.) Time is not always on my hands. I may have to cancel plans made weeks in advance because I get put on call, or called in. There isn't a day that is sacred, holidays, birthdays, anniversaries...all subject to my absence. The days that I have specifically requested off, expect monumental amounts of activity, and a 48 hour notice of said plans. I may not get another chance to schedule birthdays, girls nights, family meals, and any other social events for 6 months. I do what I can with what I've got. If I find out I have a three day weekend, and my kids want to go to Chuck E. Cheese...guess what... Adios, it's time for a road trip. Don't take it personal. I just have to do the best with the time that I've got. Nursing is never going to be a "typical 8 to 5 gig." It's a 6:15 am to 8:45 pm after getting report and playing catch up on charting for 5 patients, then getting the call at 4:30 am on your day off that the hospital is running a full census and two other nurses called in, can you come in at 6? Again, I do my best with what I've got.

2.) I have a filthy mouth, and not so much in the sense of having the mouth of a sailor...which in certain circumstances.. I do. But, there is no bodily orifice or function that is sacred to me, I will talk about it if it's brought up in casual conversation, I will ruin a fancy dinner with polite company, and I will smile about it after...because it's normal to me and I actually love what I do. It excites me, so much that I forget that no one else wants to hear about a wound I packed earlier today that was so large, I could fit my entire arm up to my elbow in, smelled like rotting flesh, and oozed yellow/green purulent drainage... It's cool to me. If you are having one of those kinds of parties.. I'll do my best not to turn the stomachs of your guests, but note, that if I'm drawn into a conversation... it might happen. 

3.) My response when you call me for medical advice will always include the words, "See your doctor as soon as possible", unless you're bleeding to death, to which my response will be "Go to the Emergency Room now." I take orders from physicians. I do not diagnose or prescribe. It's not my job. I love helping you, but unless you are admitted, with orders, on my floor... I can't do much to help you. Even then. I will not be the nurse that treats you...even if I could, I won't. I like to keep those lines drawn, and distinctly clear. Most hospitals don't allow it anyway.

4.) If you text or call me during my shift to talk casually... I will not answer until my shift is over. It's not that I don't care, or love's cause I'm running my butt off. 

5.) I can't drink when I'm on call. I could be called in at any moment. So, on those nights, I don't make a good DD either. 

6.) I may come home from a shift in tears, covered in questionable fluids, and exhausted... that doesn't mean I need to quit my job. It's a part of it. I see life born, taken, and hanging in the balance every day, often in the same shift. It's sometimes difficult to process, but turning on the hot water to the shower, and getting me a something to eat, and something to caffeinate with will do me more good than just qutting my job. The need to help people is both my most honorable characteristic, but it's also my most fatal flaw. I'll have days, but I just need a little understanding.

7.) If I'm ever offered to come in for double bonus on a fourth day...I don't care if the President is coming to dinner. I'm workin it. 

8.) If you really need something on a day that I have been working nights... call first. Don't just go banging away on my door, or ring my door bell. I may rip your arm off and beat you senseless with it. I'll answer, it may take a second, but I'll get to you. 

9.) My memory is not the greatest. When I tell you to remind me...REMIND ME. I will forget, I will feel bad for hurting your feelings and letting you down, but it will happen again because I'm so busy.

10.) Not much freaks me out. So when my kid smacks their head on a table, or gets a small cut... don't think I'm a bad parent for not rushing over to them and carrying them straight away to the emergency room. Goose egg goes, out? We're good. It's because we know exactly what's going to happen to them, and we know that the emergency room is reserved for real emergencies.. like severed limbs and gaping holes. A little bump on little Timmy's noggin and a scrape on his knee is not serious enough for a trip to the ED. Unless he's puking and looks like a cartoon character with big swollen eyes and uneven pupils... I won't get too excited. You may also notice that when my children will treat their own scrapes and minor injuries and don't freak out at the sight of blood.... odds are they've probably heard, "How much are you bleeding? Just a few drops, or is blood dripping off your hand and on to the floor? Just a few drops? Ok, well, here's a paper towel, hold pressure on it for a few minutes. You're going to be fine." I'm not a bad parent. I know what is serious, and what is not.. and freaking out accomplishes nothing but making a hysterical, freaked out kid that is extremely hard to treat.    

11.) I'm never really sick, and if I am, it's because I am really sick. I live by the motto: "You're not really sick until you're in the unit, intubated, sedated, with 6 lines coming out of you, and your feet above your head." I may not be laying on the welcome mat, on the front porch, of death...but I'll probably be crawling around in the yard somewhere. I'd rather be ANYWHERE else than admitted the hospital that I work out. I'll tough it out at home, thanks.

12.) Be patient with me. I know that you're frustrated with me because I was late to dinner, or had to  cancel plans, or whatever...but I was sitting with a dying woman in her last moments, helping a new mother care for her newborn for the first time, breathing life back into a teenager who thought the world was so broken, she thought her only escape was a bottle of booze and a hand full of pills, or listening to a scared 4 year old with suspected appendicitis abdomen and chest for, "Lions and Drums". I'd do it for you, or your mom, or child.. and there's a nurse out there some where that has cared for you in some way or another.. You appreciated the time and the compassion that those people showed you. Wouldn't you want the same for someone else in their time of need? I really like what I do..and it ties into most every fiber of my being. I give everything I've got throughout the day, so that I cannot say that I didn't try. Can you really fault me for that?

Nurses are human...a strange breed of human, but human. We sometimes bite off more than we can chew, and have to deal with the aftermath. That ambition, is what drives us in our field. It's what keeps us learning, and going. I may fail, horribly trying to do something, but I'd rather bitterly fail, than never to try at all. I just need a little understanding, grace,  and patience. If you can remember that... I will thrive and grow, and show you things you never knew possible. 

Blessings and love to you as you start a new week!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy Thursday

I've been meaning for some while to get back on track and become as regular as possible with this blog. I have to admit...carrying a full time job, running a home, and chasing after 4 super awesome little people has pretty much consumed my time... along with the laundry, always the laundry. So, bear with me... I'm working on it.

Another issue.. I love having readers, but please feel free to unselect my blog from your reading list if my "posts about God" offend or bore you in any way, shape, and or form. I am not now, nor will I ever be afraid to tell someone to buzz the heck off if you don't like what you're reading. My faith is the center of my being. If it is on my heart, I'm gonna write about it. Let me tell you, God, is literally the only reason I have sustained as a person. I'm gonna let my little light shine, let it shine, let it shine...and there ain't nothing you can do about it!

Now, do I still do cool stuff with my kids? Well, two weeks ago they made a diet coke fountain in my back yard that was followed by a GIGANTIC finger paint fight...which, I must say, wasn't entirely my brightest idea with a 16 month old in toll.. Anyway, the answer.... YES!
Now, tell those little faces look bored? =) When you wonder where my stories have gone... it's because I'm busy living them. I've still got secrets to share, and things to try...but all things in good time.
Should you see fit to stay, I promise, you won't be disappointed. If there's one thing that I love, it's living out loud. Reaching out in places that don't get much attention. So, here's to finding cool things to sneak smiles out of our children and make our mother-in-laws shake their heads and assume we're crazy! =) 
Good night to you all, blessings and love as your weekend begins!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Have a little faith

Tonight I felt a tap on my shoulder. I feel like there is someone that will come across this, and have some hurts healed. So, to whoever you are... the message for you tonight is just this.. "There is beauty in brokenness. You just have to have Faith."

 Leaving the "Early twenties" phase of life has left me with a few pearls of wisdom that I'd like to share. I once "broke" my silence, and gave everyone a brief insight to my background. I hid for many years behind a front. The kind of front that makes you forget who you really are because you are trying so hard not to let anyone see you weak. Man, I was so broken. I went to extremes in life that I never though I'd touch with a 10 foot pole. Through that brokenness, and bitter confusion... and hurt.. when I actually let my walls come down, I found something life. The one that had been waiting, patiently for me. 

One of the first an most important things I have learned in my life...was simply this: Have Faith, in all things, at all times, and when it gets rough, have relentless faith. And pray...about everything.

The thing about Faith is, you never know it, until you've lived it. I don't really think a person understands Faith, until they have been through a situation where Faith is all they had. A place where you fall on your knees and bitterly weep, and ask God to lead you, because the path is so dark, cold, and fall in the middle of that path, totally unable to carry on...then all of the sudden a little warmth hits your skin. Just enough to revive your weary heart long enough to realize that you've made it through the fog, and are safely on the other side. You can't figure out how you got there, you don't remember getting up... but you're there. There's sunshine and birds singing... You survived. That is the kind of Faith I'm talking about. The kind that crumbles mountains instead of moving them, the kind that finds you after the storm.

Everyone is going to go through storms. We are going to loose people we love, make bad decisions, fail, cheat, have people be cruel to us. We were never promised that life would be perfect or fair. However, there is silver lining in the grey cloud... God promises us that there will be a time that he will restore the things that are taken from us. If you can make it through your storm, even though your weary, and weak...He promises that he is going to make good on those trials. He's going to give back those years. He doesn't tell us when he is going to give them.. but he promises. If your still in a place where it's cold and dark...then your still in the storm.

You can't expect to be lead through the fog if your still holding on for dear life to a tree root. In other words, You have to let go of whatever it is that is tying you down. We like to think that we are the master's of our emotions, but the reality is.... They own us. Emotions like fear, hurt, doubt, sorrow... enslave you. As hard as it is to let this stuff go... Do you really think that your family member in Heaven is hurting? If we are to believe that God restores their body and soul, is it fair to think that he doesn't restore their hearts too? Of course not! They have seen Heaven!

When I think of that.. I think of my Granny. I can picture her in Heaven... walking the streets...having a cup of tender coffee with the Angel's at God's kitchen table...Looking down over us and saying.. "Hey, when you're done being a mess. There's coffee up here." When I think of that, I can see her smiling face, hear her laugh... smell dew kisses.. I can see the beauty. She gives me hope that there is such a place. I can almost feel the air, and grass. I know that once I make it through this storm, I'll be ok. I know that I will survive, and I know that the world hasn't ended. 

I think sometimes, we just get too caught up in what is flying all around us. When our storms hit, any and everything that is hurtful and painful, are thrown up in the dust cloud. Just to do that, cloud the bigger picture.  Picture yourself in a tornado, right in the middle. If you allow yourself to be grounded in the middle, all you will see is the stuff that is thrown up around you. On the outside of that twister, there is still green grass on the ground, there is still a blue sky, there is still sunshine. If you don't cut your ties, and let the wind fling you out of that black hole your in, and let it take you somewhere will be left with nothing but destruction. 

So, my thought, and my dare for you... is simply, just this. Cut your ties. Let faith have a chance to get you through. Reach your arms out, close your eyes, and walk. This world is going to do it's best to blind you. If you will close your eyes, and open your heart... I promise you, you will be able to weather the storm, and after every storm, there is always a stillness. Perhaps, it's in that stillness,that you will find that these storms are just what you needed to find your glimpse of faith.

Friday, December 21, 2012

It's sickeningly thick, and incredibly real.

This morning I am literally sitting here in tears fighting the urge to go grab Kyrie from school. Some jackwad decided to call in shooting threats to our small town school system. If you are that moron, and you happen to stumble upon my humble child has done nothing to you, and how dare you take advantage of this horrible situation just for a sick high. God bless you and forgive you, and cover you in love....because heaven knows that is something that I am incapable of doing.... your village has called, they want you back.

So, before I found out that there was a gun threat this morning... I began to think of Kyrie, and all of the things that I have on my heart to tell her. I have never thought for one minute that I would never get to see her grow up. I never thought that I would never get to see my child walk at graduation, or go to college, or get married. I never thought that there was any chance in my prefect little world that something could come in and disrupt those perfect thoughts. I'm sure many of us never thought that we would miss those things. We thought wrong folks....way wrong.

So, first of all I would call each and every parent out there to pray for their child. Pray for them while they are at school, before you drop them off, after you pick them up... This world is spinning quickly out of control. You can't change people... now, we can tighten gun laws... blah blah blah... but that will do nothing. People will resort to another vice... if we keep on this road, we need to ban knives, baseball bats, pipes, tire wrenches, and anything and everything that could be used as a deadly weapon... your car.. really. We are fighting a loosing battle.

While thinking about all of those things, I also though about how damn scared Kyrie would be if she found herself without her mommy in a dark closet, or bathroom.. wherever. So, I decided to do the hardest thing in the entire world. I wrote her a letter, in case of an emergency for her teacher to read to her. This is in the event that something happens and I can't get to her quickly.. something like a lock down, or natural disaster. I want her to have something, words.. hand written by me.. so hear as some kind of comfort. I want her to know that I love her, that I will come for her, and mostly that I love her. I know that in some situations, when push comes to shove.. there may not be time to grab it....but if by some chance there is, I want her to be able to have it.

I wont lie, it was by far the hardest letter I have ever written. I bawled bitterly the entire way through it. I told her about the first time I saw her, and how I know that she is going to do great things... and how precious she is to me. I'll skip some of the sappy stuff, but one of the passages in her letter says this:

Kyrie, I know that you are scared, but I want you to close your eyes and picture mommy and daddy wrapping our arms around you so tight.. giving you the best bear hug ever. Do you remember the song that I use to sing to you when you were scared? Where ever you go, No matter how far.. I'll always always come back for you. Kyrie, I want you to know I will come for you soon. I want you to listen to your teachers, help your classmates, and most of all I want you to remember that God hears our fears. He is bigger than all things, every and anything. He is our protector. I love you with all my heart, and I will be with you soon.
Love Mommy and Daddy

You better believe that I was bawling.  My heart ached, my stomach flipped.. God, it just hurt. I had to stop and talk out what was on my heart with the Healer. I cant stand the thought of my baby being scared like that. It kills the happiness in my heart. It makes my heart feel like it dropped in the floor, and it takes my breath away. I can't explain the fear, that even just imagining that situation in a hypothetical situation brings me. It's sickeningly thick, and incredibly real.

My plan is to give the letter to her teacher, in an envelope. I'm also planning on putting a picture of us together for her to have as well. I know some will find this idea eccentric.. but I want her to have something to comfort her. Think what you want, I dont care!

Now, I'm calling all parents.. pray! You are helpless, you cannot pull every disturbed person off the streets, because the reality is...more and more are born each day. In this situation, if you cannot find faith... then there is no hope. Pray for your children, I cant tell you how important this is... pray for their protection. It's your job. If you refuse to have faith, then you forfeit your child to have hope for a better future. Chew on that thought for a little while, because if you don't have faith that something will change for the better, then there is no hope that the future will be better. Those are two concepts that go hand and hand my friend.

Wake up! Do you not see that there is a war going on? We are living in a literal hell. We have to fight for our children. When are we all going to wise up and say we have had enough? When will it be important enough? You need to make it important now. If you dont protect your child and fight for them, no one else will.

Children are blessings. Adore them, love them fiercely, hold tightly to them. Let them know how special they are to you. Never let a day go by that you dont tell your child, no matter what their age, that you love them. Remember, every second counts.


I challenge every parent to pray for their children, especially school children for one hour. Pray for their protection, pray for protection over their school, classroom, classmates, teachers... Be their shield. This is your way of protecting them when you can't physically be there. Pray for the families of those who lost loved ones this week, pray that there is an end to this madness. Be the armor your kids need, and call out to Jesus.

Ok, I know.. I have hit my max on ranting! I just have really had this on my heart this week, and if I can encourage one person to join me in prayer.. even for one hour... that's one more person throwing shield up. I hope that soon enough, there will be enough shields thrown up to reflect the flames being shot at us back on to the one shooting them at us. I have faith.

Prayers, blessings and love to your weekend,
xoxox- Audrie

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

10 things I've learned in the last month =)

Hello friends!
Sorry it has been so long since my last post... I've been a busy mama! Caden James graced decided to join us October 27th, so I have been working to get everyone adjusted and to get the home moving smoothly again. It's a squeeze but we have a routine that pretty much works now. =) Bryan started a new job a few weeks ago, so getting use to his new hours and stuff has been crazy. However, in spite of the craziness... life has this feeling of completeness. I love watching my family grow. Those 4 kids are the most awesome things I have ever created. I'm so very blessed!

So, Christmas is literally just around the corner! =) I'm not even close to having everything ready for the, "big day"..are you? LOL !! I have made a dozen sugr cookies that were eaten before they were frosted, and about a dozen cornflake wreaths... that red hots were never even purchased to finish! HA HA! Horrible, I know, right? OHWARD!!

This blog is a few lifesaving tips that I have learned in the last month for bigger families. It's very hard now for families to spend quality time together. There is house work, homework, work work... it's a wonder how any American families actually manage to stay together. We put so much emphasis on what we own, as opposed to what we have... too much. Things will come and go, but our children will always be by our sides..or better yet, they are choosing our nursing home. =)

My 10 lifesavers

1.) Do a load of laundry every day. Yes, I know..this one stinks, but if you have 6 people to do laundry for... one day, even two days a week is suicide. About two hours into folding and getting it all put away, it becomes boring. When that happens, we tend to take a break with intentions of going back to finish it. But, how many times have you walked away to find your favorite T.V. show on and remeber after 4 hours that it is now time to pick up your kids, make dinner, and get everyone ready for bed...and the laundry is still in the dryer, on the couch, in a basket... wherever.
 If you gather everything up at the end of the day, wash it, throw it in the dryer before you go to bed... and put it away first thing in the morning... your more likely to keep up with it. I use the delay wash setting on my washer and dryer. By the time I wake up the clothes are ready to go into the dryer, and when I get home from dropping Kyrie off, they are ready to be put away.. Easy peasy.

2.) Cook a few extra meals on the weekend. If there is something ready to go in the fridge, you are less likely to run for take out. Thus, saving money..and your waiste line. Remeber that left overs can be recycled into new things. Be creative.. left over spaghetti sauce? Why not bake a few bread sticks... toss a salad, and serve your kids Itlian dunkers? Shread left over pork roast, throw it in the crock pot with your favorite BBQ sauce, and make pulled pork sandwhiches. I like to have three "spares" in the freezer or fridge.. that way on the days that I find myself in a pinch, I can take one out, heat it up..and my family still gets a decent meal. I also plan a two week menu, and when I go shopping, I shop for stuff based off this menu.

3.) Do a 30 minute "White tornado" each day. This being 30 minutes a day where you just go and pick things up and put them where they belong. You would be suprised how quickly your living room becomes clean again when you throw the toys back in the toy box, and put everyone's shoes away. Designate an area for shoes, coats, backpacks, and toys. When you find your living room looks like an elf exploded in your living room... call a white tornado, have everyone pick up their stuff, put it away..and voila. =)

4.)  Make a calendar. If you have kids in school or sports. A dry erase calendar board works well for this. Let everyone choose their own color marker.. write their specific activity in their color. OR print one, still using a different color ink for each person. Put this calendar somewhere it will be seen daily. I cannot tell you how many times I have to check our calendar during the week. It is my lifesaver.

5.) Make shower baskets. Get one basket per child.. put their towel, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush, hair ties, lotion, chapstick..etc in one basket. Designate it's home (Our kids put their in their closet), and at bath time.. they can grab their clothes, throw them in their basket, and head to the bathroom. When they are done, everything goes back into the basket, the basket goes back to it's home..and your bathroom is clutter free. I love these, because if I am in a time crunch, and it's time for Kyrie to shower... she already knows where everything is. She can get started while I am feeding Caden, or whatever.

6.) Keep an extra bag packed in your vehicle. Pack it with spare clothes for the kids, a spare shirt for you, extra diapers and a small pack of wipes, a small first aide kit, an extra baby blanket, nursing shaw, premade formula bottles (they make newborn nursers, and some that are either 4 or 8 oz.. ready to eat formula, in a plastic bottle), extra paci, mylicon, baby tylenol and advil, grown up advil =), and a fifty (for when you leave home and half way into your run into town your fuel light turns on!). These are all things that are likely to be neglected in a time crunch, and finding yourself without them can really stink sometimes.

7.) Schedule a mom nap...everyday, or at least any day you can. Mom's are master multitaskers. We will work and run until we are totally wiped out. So, make sure you are taking a few minutes to rest yourself. Who says it's against the rules to put the kids down and kick your feet up for an hour? This hour is especially important if you have a newborn or young infant in the house. Throw your recliner back, snuggle with the baby and catch a few while you can. One our will do you wonders in the long run.

8.) Skip the china, and buy the damn paper plates! No, you don't have to have a perfectly set table every night. You can buy paper plates really cheap! I realize that it makes more waste, and yadda yadda yadda...but give me a break! I've been up all night with the baby, got everyone dressed and out the door, cleaned house, did the laundry, cooked and cleaned up 2 meals, plus we still have homework, dinner before and after, bedtime... no one is going to complain when their tummies are full and there are no dishes in the sink to do after.

9.) Before the kids go to bed... have them lay out their clothes, shoes, coats, and backpacks for the next day. This way when your alarm clock doesn't go off and your running 2o minutes behind.. you won't have to spend 10 minutes searching for a lost shoe! Make sure you put your shoes, keys, phone, and purse all in one spot too...gotta lead by example.

10.) Call a one hour time out before bed. Turn off the T.V., take up a media collection and take them to another room, so that they are not interrupiting and talk. Ask the kids about their day, help with homework, say a prayer... talk about things that happened through the day. Many times we don't take enough time to talk to out kids and spouses about their day. Sometimes, just giving someone a few minutes to "unload" can do them a world of good. Especially kids..make sure you ask them about their day. The high points, the low points, and if there is anything that they need to tell you, or talk to you about. Let them know that they have your undivided attention, and take it seriously. If you give them a chance to communicate openly with you, usually.. they will. Make sure you know your kid... they are your business, what they do, see, speak, think.. eveything. So, make time to show them that you are interested in their life.

And there you have it, 10 things that have made my life as a mom to a family of 6 leaps and bounds easier in the last month! =)

Be sure to look for my Christmas post later this week for the recipies and crafts that I have been doing the last week! This is by far my most favorite time of the year, and I am super excited to show you what I have been up to!

Blessings and love as your week continues!
xoxo- Audrie

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Rayroux updates!

Hello friends,

I know that my last post said... "I'm back"..and then, you never heard anything from me again, which I feel terrible about. The summer was brutal. July hit and I learned the literaly meanining of all hell broke loose. My sister Megan was hospitalized for what we thought was pneumonia a few days after the fourth of July, and within a few hours of being admitted to the hospital, she was in the intensive care unit, intubated, and fighting for her life. Fluid had built up in her lungs and backed into her heart. This is otherwise known as congestive heart failure with pulmonary edema, which is not common for an otherwise healthy 20 year old. Megan was intubated for 18 hours, and 55 minutes... and for the first 12 hours, her life literally hung in the balance. I really believe that she is still her because of the quick thinking and actions of two amazing physicians in the ICU, the nurses and other staff that worked around the clock to make sure that she was making progress, and the hours of prayers that went out for her.

Right now, if you were one of the many that prayed for Megan and my family while she was in the hospital... from the bottom of my heart, I thank you. There were moments that prayer was the only thing that we had to lean on. I believe that your prayers are what made it possible for my husband and I to communicate with the physicians, keep a clear head, and make the best decisions for her. I just cannot thank you enough, and just know that we offer praises and blessings for each of you.

We are still working to figure out exactly what caused her health to take such a dramatic turn, but I know that God is in control of her situation. He has already make so many big changes in her life, and I'm just excited to see where he leads her to next. Mostly, I'm just thankful to have my little sister.

Still waiting to get into see a cardiologist for Kyrie... which has made me more than antsy. She started school in August, and after a bit of a rough start.. she is progressing well. I know that in God's time we will have an answer for everything that we have been going through with her. I know that his plan for her is just starting to take off... and that wherever he is going to lead her, she is going to thrive. She is just a precious little girl, and I am so thankful that God trusted me to be her mother.

On a more sad note... I lost my pops to cancer about a month ago. He went into the hospital about two weeks after Megan got out.. and battled a pletuhra of oppertunistic infections and other issues. After weeks and weeks of antibiotics, medications, and hospitals... he found his wings and flew home. He and I had a very different type of relationship. I'm 110% sure he is where all of my scarcasim came from. He and I always gave eachother a hard time, but I knew that when I really needed to talk to someone... he was always there to listen, and give advice as best as he could. He always let me know that he was proud of what I had been doing, and proud of the things that I accomplished. For as heartbroken as I am that he is gone... I am so thankful for the time that he was here.

Speaking of school... I did enroll in the fall semester. I worked through the first 5 weeks, and it became very apparent that for this particular stretch of life... that was not where I was needed. I have been running into one problem after another and as a result, my family was suffering. After very long discussions with my husband, I decided not to continue on this semester...or to take any other actions related to nursing school. Bryan has had many oppertunities come his way, since then...and I know that this was God's way of telling me that I didn't need to worry about it right now. So, I'm home..working with Kyrie and the duo..and preparing for the new baby...who will be arriving sometime in the next few weeks.

Baby number four is a boy! And as I said earlier in just a few more weeks we will be welcoming Caden James into the Rayroux clan. =) Everyone is super excited, and super busy... but life would be boring if it were anything but that. I'm really enjoying being home right now. I am preparing my youner two for school, and I actually have time to work with Kyrie on her homework and such. This has also made it possible for Bryan to try out a few new things. He just returned from a wound care class, that would not have been possible for him to go to if I were still trying to go to school, because the  Sunday that he left.. I was to be in clinicals...and we had no one to watch our children. However, he got to go to the class, and now we are waiting to see whether he passed the certification exam. He also started a board certified geriontology class last night, he has 6 months to complete. If that weren't enough, he was also given another oppertunity..that I'm not sure I'm going to talk about right now... as he is still deciding on whether or not that particular thing is something that he is really ready to do... but I promise soon as I get the OK... I will let you in on that one.

I do have to say that I am so very extremely proud of him, and how hard he has worked in the last few years. I couldn't have asked for a better companion and friend that him. I am so very luck to have that man in my life, and if he should read this... Thank you honey, you are my hero... and to this day, you continue to save me. I love you with all my heart, and I am so proud of the chaos that we have created together.

Now that I am home, and things have seemed to settle down for a while. I am going to work out a schedule for the stuff that I post. I've gotten a ton of ideas for things to do with the kiddos, and now with the holidays quickly approaching... I have a bunch of DIY decorating ideas, recipies, and activities that I cant wait to share. =) The holiday season is by far my favorite time of the year! So, with that, I am off to make my munchkins lunch. If you think of something that you would like me to do... just shoot me an email, or comment the blog. =) I'd be happy to look into it and see what I can come up with!

Blessings and love as your week continues!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Summer fun (Paint fight)

Happy Wednesday Everyone!
As promised, here are the pictures from the paint fight. I ran into a few glitches with the paint fight idea, but with a few tweaks... we had a blast. First glitch- I could not, for the life of me find any large bottles of Crayola washable paint. I looked all over town, and turned up nothing. I looked online, to see about ordering some....but I didnt want to wait the three days for it to get here considering I had been promising my kiddos a paint fight for like 3 days. I bit the bullet, and made my own paint. Flour, boiling water, food coloring gels, and a dash or two of cream of tatar... after experimenting with it a bit to get the texture to the right consistency... I had paint. 

I also skipped the water balloons and the canvas. It became an issue of whether or not I wanted to spend the hot afternoon picking up fragments of the water balloon, or not. I chose not, so I filled our little pool and sat it close to the paint buckets. I also decided that the canvas I would use to make Christmas presents later. I have an idea that I will share...but after Christmas =). I wasn't sure whether or not the food coloring in the paint would stain the house, so I did tape a drop cloth to protect the side of our home. I'm not sure my husband would have appreciated the new rainbow splatter paint job on the front of our house...then again, ya never know! ;)

So On to the fight!

Kyrie painting the sidewalk
I bought a package of rollers and paint brushes at the dollar tree and put them in a bucket next to the paint, so that the kids could choose which one they used. There was a brush and a roller for each kiddo. =)

The war begins =)


It took some encouragment for them to actually start a war, mostly because Im sure they have heard a thousand times..."Don't do that to your sister!" Once they got into it, no one was safe.


Kyrie covered with paint =)

Eventually we had to go in, it was very hot and we were tired. Yes, Even Mom got in on the fight. I also was the one taking photos, so when I joined in... the camera went in the house.  We topped the afternoon off with sno cones, a bath, and a trip to grandma's house.

I can honestly say the only thing that I wish had been different, was the paint. I really really wish I had the tempura paint..because once the small clumps of flour set in the girl's hair.. it was dang near impossible to get out. So, if you are going to do this... word to the wise. Either buy the tempura paint, or find a flour free recipe. Aside from that... we had a great afternoon... and we didn't spend a ton of cash.
Once it was time to clean up, I dumped the "paint" into the gravel in my yard, hosed it down, and threw the brushes and the plastic in the trash. Easy clean up made it really nice.
Anyway, get out and play! =)

Blessings and love as your week continues!